Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MIDI Harp Obsessions-4

still writing...on and on...
went to the beach... 
looked at the dark grey sky... 
wind and rain cleared the brain... 
came back...still writing

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

MIDI Harp Obsessions-2

I started writing  the piece for MIDI Harp+Winds. It will be included in the MIDI Harp Project which will be recorded next year. There is a nice article on my work with the MIDI harp here :

francoise ha van

MIDI Harp Obsessions-1

Starting this new blog. The previous one was deleted. "They" thought it was a spam. Lets see how long this one stays on...
I also started another one called "about harps"...Guess I am having fun after having been a bit annoyed by the deletion of the first blog as it happened  the day the mailing for the "launching of the new site + blog" was done.

francoise ha van